Above It All

“Hold her hand she
just might disappear,”
but, I believe she just
might hold a bit more close;
“Comb her hair with
a rigorous rhythm,”
but, I believe she wants
to entangle them more;
“Tie her shoelaces
in a perfect bow,”
but, I believe she needs
to learn the trip and fall;
“Wipe her mouth of the
sticking pieces at the corners,”
but, I believe she can move
her limbs on her own;
“Fasten her hands
to her favourite table,”
but, I believe she needs
to touch to feel alive;
“Tape her mouth to
muffle her screams,”
but, I believe she wants
to be heard, even a little;
“Pull her hair and pin
them to the wall,”
but, I believe she won’t
stop her process of thoughts.
“Scrub her visible body till the
dead cells are no more,”
but, I believe she knows
they make her skin callous;

“Rip off her clothes and
mark her legs and arms,”
but, I believe she would find
a shelter in her silhouette;
“Unground her shadow 
and pull it apart,” 
but, I believe she would
still cling to the dark;
“Pull apart her muscles
and bones with a crowbar,”
but, I believe she would 
still have a soul of scars;

“Burden her soul with
the masquerades of past,”
but, I believe she wants
to hover within the present,
“Get a lighter and some
kerosene to burn her home,”
but, I believe she gave it to
you when you had burnt yours;
“Destroy her, or god forbid,
become her dying heart’s hole,”
but, I believe she thinks
I am quietly above it all.
“You must not believe
in what she has to say,”
but, I believe I want to,
even more than I need it.

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